38 years male pain abdomen under evaluation

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

Afeefa farzana 

Roll no:03 


This is a case of 38 year old male resident of narketpally came to gm OPD with chief complaints of pain abdomen and retrosternal burning sensation  since 7 years


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 years ago then he developed  abdominal pain which is diffuse,squeezing type of pain,insidious in onset,intermittent associated with alternating constipation and  loose stools and generalised weakness since 15 years

History of blood passed in stools occasionally since 15 years

Patient also gives complaints of retrosternal  burning sensation associated with nausea since 15 years

History of belching present

History of fever on and off

History of significant weight loss

No history of vomitings 


Patient wakes up at 7 AM performs his daily routine and eats rice in the breakfast and goes to work .He works in grocery shop eats rice in lunch and come back home at 8 PM eats rice in dinner and sleeps by 10 PM



Pain abdomen in left hypochondriac and lumbar region insidious in onset ,squeezing type of pain in 2009

2009 in view of pain abdomen he went to local RMP and used medications which were prescribed  which gave him temporary relief.

prior to pain abdomen he had constipation for about 5 to 8 days followed by severe pain abdomen which is followed by passage of stools which were  sometimes loose stools and sometimes hard stools

This continued till 2015,he used to go to pharmacy and get same medicines and used them whenever he gets pain abdomen. He used to have pain abdomen once weekly or once biweekly

In 2015 he had fever ,cough ,cold for which he used medications which were given by RMP but his symptoms didnot subside even after using for 7 days so he came to our hospital where He was diagnosed with tuberculosis and was started on ATT after using medications for 2 months he got tested again and test was negative for AFB  he continued medications for 4 months and was tested again as it was negative for AFB he stopped medications after using for 6 months on doctors advice

From 2015 to 2019

His pain abdomen ,prior to pain abdomen constipation and followed by loose stools sometimes and hard stools sometimes continued so he used to get medications prescribed by RMP and used them


Again he had cough ,fever for which he got tested again and was told he has TB again and was given medications for 6 months

2019 to 2021

His pain abdomen ,prior to pain abdomen constipation and followed by loose stools sometimes and hard stools sometimes continued so he used to get medications prescribed by RMP and used them


He went to hospital in armoor ,Nizamabad where Endoscopy and colonoscopy were done  and was diagnosed ulcerative colitis 

He used medications which were prescribed by them for 3 months 

He stopped medications for 2 months ge developed pain abdomen again then he went to RMP and used medications prescribed by him ,he used them whenever he got pain abdomen till 2023 March

MARCH 2023 

As he was loosing weight [his clothes became loose]and was having fatigue he went to health centre at narketpally 

Where He was given Tab.Pantop for 10 days,Tab buscopan for 3 days

Tab ofloxacin 200 mg for 3 days

In view of his pain abdomen not subsiding he came to our hospital 

He had occasional blood and pus passing in stools and fever on and off since 2009


Patient is a known case of pulmonary TB in 2015 and 2019

For which he used ATT

Not a known case of diabetes, Hypertension, epilepsy, thyroid abnormalities 

No H/O blood transfusions 

No H/O surgeries


Diet :mixed

Appetite : decreased 

Bowel movements : constipation, goat pellets like stools alternating with loose motions occasionally blood in stools

Bladder movements:regular 

Addictions:alcoholic stopped since 1 month

FAMILY HISTORY :Not significant 


Tab.Pantop for 10 days

Tab buscopan for 3 days

Tab ofloxacin 200 mg for 3 days


Patient was conscious,coherent  cooperative

Moderately build and moderately nourished

well oriented to time ,place and person

Lesions on bilateral palms and soles since 2 years on and off

Pallor : pallor present

Icterus: absent

clubbing: absent
cyanosis: absent
Lymphadenopathy: absent
Edema : absent

Temp: afebrile
BP: 110/80 mmHg 
PR- 94 bpm
RR- 18cpm


Abdominal examination- 


On Inspection Abdomen is flat, no abdominal distension, umbilicus is central and  inverted ,no engorged veins,no scars,sinuses,hernial ornifices are clear


All inspectory findings are confirmed

Tenderness present in  left lumbar region and left hypochondrium region

PERCUSSION : No significant findings

AUSCULTATION: bowel sounds heard



trachea central,

normal respiratory movements,

normal vesicular breath sounds.


S1 ,S2 heard ,no murmurs


CNS examination

No focal neurological deficits


?Irritable bowel syndrome

?ulcerative colitis

?malabsorption syndrome 

?rule out autoimmune causes


On 2 may 2023

Serology: negative


Hb:15 g/dl

TLC: 7,200 cells/cumm



Eosinophil: 01

Monocyte: 08

Platelet: 3.77




Pus cells :2-3

Epithelial cells :2-3

Renal function tests



Sodium :144


Chloride: 103


USG: no sonological abnormality 


Treatment given on 2 may 2023

IVF NS @75 ml/hr

Treatment given on 3 may 2023

IVF NS @75 ml/hr

Tab .Rifagut 550mg PO/BD

Tab.sporolac DS PO/BD

Tab.buscopan po sos


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